Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sandcastle Inn by Irene Hannon

Series: Hope Harbor #10
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Revell
Released: April 1, 2024
330 pages

About the Book:

Vienna Price never intended to return for more than a passing visit to Oregon and all the bad memories she'd left behind. But when your career tanks, home is where you go to nurse your wounds and chart a new course. Only temporarily, of course--because as much as she loves her quirky mom, anything more than a short stay would drive them both crazy.

A trip to Oregon isn't in Matt Quinn's plans, either, until a perfectly timed appeal for help arrives from his sister. What better place to decompress after a shattering loss than a quiet, seaside town named Hope Harbor? But R&R isn't on the agenda when he arrives to find his sister's new enterprise on life support.

Vienna, however, may have just the skills needed to resuscitate the foundering B&B--if Matt can convince her to hang around long enough to mend an inn . . . and his heart.

My Rating & Thoughts:    ⭐⭐

The characters more than the romance kept me invested in this book. I liked getting to getting to know their stories and seeing them interact with one another. Vienna and her mom are opposites in so many ways, but this visit has given Vienna a chance to see her understand her mom better and connect in a new way. Matt is in town to assist his big sister with the overwhelming challenges of the inn while she is away caring for a friend. Quite a few times Matt felt like a big brother looking after his little sister. I enjoyed their phone conversations, especially when Cora got on the phone. When the cause of Matt's grief was shared, my heart broke for him. Andrew & Paige have experienced quite the trial, and I loved how Paige stuck by Andrew, encouraging and supporting him. I liked the way the characters grew and accepted the changes that were happening in their lives. However, it felt like a lot of the romance happened off the page, and I wasn't as connected to their relationship as I would have liked. It was fun to see recurring characters and mentions of previous characters. Another uplifting addition to the Hope Harbor series. Can I go hang out at Bev's Book Nook?

(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

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