Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Memory Lane by Becky Wade (Review)

Series: Sons of Scandal #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Indie Published
Released: February 14, 2023
426 pages

About the Book:

After surviving a trauma several years back, Remy Reed relocated to a cottage on one of Maine’s most remote islands. She’s arranged her life just the way she wants it, spending her time working on her wood sculptures and soaking in the beauty of nature. It’s quiet and solitary—until the day she spots something bobbing in the ocean.

Her binoculars reveal the “something” to be a man, and he’s struggling to keep his head above water. She races out to save him and brings him into her home. He’s injured, which doesn’t detract from his handsomeness nor make him any easier to bear. He acts like a duke who’s misplaced his dukedom...expensive tastes, lazy charm, bossy ideas.

Remy would love nothing more than to return him to his people, but he has no recollection of his life prior to the moment she rescued him. Though she’s not interested in relationships other than the safe ones she’s already established, she begins to realize that he’s coming to depend on her.

Who is he? What happened that landed him in the Atlantic Ocean? And why is she drawn to him more and more as time goes by?

There’s no way to discover those answers except to walk beside him down memory lane.

My Rating & Thoughts:    

I liked the mystery aspect of trying to figure out who the guy was, what happened to him, and the events from the past. This story had much more mystery than I was expecting. It also had mentions some heavy topics such as discussion of a past rape, suicide/murder, and infidelity. I did not particularly enjoy how Jonah and Remy treated each other most of the time, I found it hard to root for a relationship between them. The way Jonah first describes Remy bothered me. There were scenes that inserted that involved only the side characters that were unnecessary and me out of the Jonah and Remy story. I did like how we see Remy open herself up and Jonah come to the realization about his past lifestyle. I am intrigued to see what happens with Jude in the next book so I will continue the series at some point.

(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

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