Monday, July 8, 2024

Where the Road Bends by Rachel Fordham (Review)

Genre: Historical Romance
Publisher: Revell 
Released: June 7, 2022
305 pages

About the Book:

As Norah King surveys her family land in Iowa in 1880, she is acutely aware that it is all she has left, and she will do everything in her power to save it--even if that means marrying a man she hardly knows. Days before her wedding, Norah discovers an injured man on her property. Her sense of duty compels her to take him in and nurse him back to health. Little does she realize just how much this act of kindness will complicate her life and threaten the future she's planned.

Norah's care does more than aid Quincy Barnes's recovery--it awakens his heart to possibilities. Penniless and homeless, he knows the most honorable thing he can do is head on down the road and leave Norah to marry her intended. But walking away from the first person to believe in him proves much harder than he imagined.

My Rating & Thoughts:    

I was drawn to Norah as soon as I met her. Norah is engaged to be married to someone quite a bit older than her and someone she isn't in love with all to save her family farm. She finds Quincy injured in a field and brings him back to her place and cares for him while he heals. A friendship begins, but life circumstances separate them. There is a time jump a few chapters in, and I verbally reacted with shock. Once I processed my shock, I was fully invested in these two characters and had to keep reading to find out what was going to happen. I did not want to put the book down. I loved seeing friendships grow and romances develop. The side characters added to the enjoyment of the story. I was smiling at the end.

Favourite Quote: 
“I believe in a God who can use the worst of circumstances for our good if we're willing.”
(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

Other books from this author that I have reviewed:   


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