Sunday, July 14, 2024

True Light by Terri Blackstock (Review)

Series: Restoration #3
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Publisher: Zondervan 
Released: January 1, 2007
272 pages
About the Book:

Book 3 in a masterful what-if series in which global catastrophe puts a family’s very survival at risk—and both reveals the darkness in human hearts and lights the way to restoration. Now eight months into a global blackout, the residents of Oak Hollow are trying to cope with the deep winter nights and a gnawing hunger from a food shortage. The struggle to survive can bring out the worst in anyone. A teenage friend of the Brannings’ has been found shot while hunting, and his slain deer is gone. Suspicions immediately fall on Mark Green, the son of a convicted murderer. Before he can prove his innocence, vigilantes force the sheriff to arrest him. Deni Branning is growing closer to Mark, and she sees him as a hero, not a traitor. She and her family set out to find the person who really pulled the trigger. But clearing Mark’s reputation is only part of the battle. Protecting him from the neighbors who ostracized him is just as difficult.

My Rating & Thoughts:    ⭐⭐⭐

Mark has to be my favourite character in this series. He has been ostracized by most of the community due to his father's actions but he still helps those around him by sharing his knowledge and hunting skills. There is quite a bit of evil happening in the community and the descriptions were very vivid at times. A teen is shot for his deer and Mark is framed. Mark goes through a lot physically and emotionally in this book, but he keeps his faith in God and shows forgiveness to those around him. He never gave up for fighting for what was right and protecting those around him. Deni has grown since book one, I like the changes in her and the choices she makes in this book. I am fully invested in this story and can't wait to read book 4 to see what happens when the power is finally restored (I'm assuming it will be).

(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

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