Thursday, July 11, 2024

More Than Words Can Say by Karen Witemeyer (Review)

Series: Patchwork Family #2
Genre: Historical Romance 
Publisher: Bethany House
Released: June 4, 2019
356 pages
About the Book:

After fulfilling a pledge to a dying friend, Zacharias Hamilton is finally free to live life on his own terms. No opportunities to disappoint those he cares about, just the quiet bachelor existence he’s always craved. Until fate snatches his freedom away once again when the baker of his favorite breakfast treat is railroaded by the city council. As hard as he tries to avoid getting involved, he can’t turn a blind eye to her predicament . . . or her adorable dimples. Abigail Kemp needs a man’s name on her bakery’s deed. A marriage of convenience seems the best solution . . . if it involves a man she can control. Not the stoic lumberman who oozes confidence without saying a word whenever he enters her shop. Control Zacharias Hamilton? She can’t even control her pulse when she’s around him. Once vows are spoken, Abigail’s troubles should be over. Yet threats to the bakery worsen, and darker dangers hound her sister. As trust grows between Zach and Abby, she finds she wants more than his rescue. She wants his heart.


My Rating & Thoughts:    

I originally read this book as an advance reader copy back in 2019, but then I purchased my own copy and read it for a second time. I loved this story once again. I am a sucker for marriage of convenience stories and watching two characters who have no intentions of falling in love do just that.

Original review - Ms. Witemeyer has done it again - given life to characters that you quickly fall in love with and don’t want to say goodbye to. After meeting Zach in ‘More Than Meets the Eye’ I was anxious to get my hands on this book and discover his story and I was not disappointed.

I found myself immersed in the story right from page one. How dare the town council tell Abigail what she can and can’t do with her bakery. She works hard and is dedicated to her sister, but she is in threat of losing everything all because she is not married. Abigail comes up with a plan that will enable her to keep her business and provide for her sister but it does require her to sacrifice some of her dreams, however she is willing to accept those consequences.

Zach is reluctant to accept Abigail’s proposal at first, but thanks to her sisters meddling he accepts. He can’t turn his back on a women in need (and his attraction to her makes it harder.) I really enjoyed how these two respected and treated one another. Zach was honorable and treated Abigail well and looked out for her sister, just like a brother would. In addition to providing for Zach’s physical needs (feeding him) Abigail supported him and helped him deal with scars from his childhood. It doesn’t take long for feelings stronger than friendship to develop but will they act on them and risk the arrangement? I was cheering for them to realize how much more fulfilling life could be if they would risk their hearts.

I cringed each time Sophia ran into Abigail, she was so mean and rude to her. It pained me to see Abigail treated this way, but she quietly accepted it and tried not to let it bother her. When she did finally stand up to Sophia she went about it with grace and kindness. I was so proud of her.

Favourite Quote: 
“Only God knows what the future holds. All we can do is learn from the past.”
(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

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