Sunday, July 1, 2018

Jane Reviews: Just Let Go by Courtney Walsh (plus Giveaway)

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About the Book:
Just Let Go
Series: Harbour Pointe #2
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Tyndale House
Released: June 5, 2018
381 pages
For Quinn Collins, buying the flower shop in downtown Harbor Pointe fulfills a childhood dream, but also gives her the chance to stick it to her mom, who owned the store before skipping town twenty years ago and never looking back. Completing much-needed renovations, however, while also competing for a prestigious flower competition with her mother as the head judge, soon has Quinn in over her head. Not that she’d ever ask for help.

Luckily, she may not need to. Quinn’s father and his meddling friends find the perfect solution in notorious Olympic skier Grady Benson, who had only planned on passing through the old-fashioned lakeside town. But when a heated confrontation leads to property damage, helping Quinn as a community-service sentence seems like the quickest way out—and the best way to avoid more negative press.

Quinn finds Grady reckless and entitled; he thinks she’s uptight and too regimented. Yet as the two begin to hammer and saw, Quinn sees glimpses of the vulnerability behind the bravado, and Grady learns from her passion and determination, qualities he seems to have lost along the way. But when a well-intentioned omission has devastating consequences, Grady finds himself cast out of town—and Quinn’s life—possibly forever. Forced to face the hurt holding her back, Quinn must finally let go or risk missing out on the adventure of a lifetime.

Courtney Walsh's Website

Just Let Go Quote 2

    My Rating & Thoughts:🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟    (4 stars) 
I love reading stories set in small towns where everyone seems to know everybody and they treat each other like family. This story brought that to life for me. The characters were wonderful making it feel like you were with friends. Grady plans to just stop for a meal on his way through town, but his actions lead to him being stuck in Harbour Pointe until his community service is done.

Quinn and Grady are polar opposites. Grady is a risk-taker, Quinn is not. Grady has travelled all over for ski competitions; Quinn has never left Harbour Pointe. Grady takes things as they come and Quinn is a planner. Is there any common ground to be found for these two? There is something about Quinn that draws Grady in and he is determined to get to know her more when all she wants is for him to leave town. Much to Quinn’s dislike Grady’s community service order puts him on her winter carnival team and helping her fix up her new shop. Add in the fact that Grady begins helping Quinn’s nephew, Jaden, with his skiing it becomes impossible for Quinn to avoid him.

Shortly after meeting Grady I felt there was something going on beneath the image that he portrayed to others and wanted to know what it was. Turns out he was holding on to something from the past that he felt he could never be forgiven for. Quinn is also holding onto a hurt from the past and has been allowing this to determine her life. She is trying to prove herself to one person and can’t see how this has been holding her back from enjoying life. The hurts that these two are holding onto are weighing them down and sabotaging them from living their lives fully. Over the course of the story they learn to let go and find the peace needed to deal with these hurts. Both characters learn to let go of the things they can’t control and fight for the things they can. I loved this.

I loved the change in Grady the most; he comes across at the beginning as a self-centered and egotistical guy doing whatever he wants whenever. But over the course of the story he slowly transforms as he turns control over to God and learns to let go. He becomes someone focused more on others than himself and is willing to listen and take direction from others.

I really enjoyed following Grady and Quinn as a relationship developed between them and they learn to let go and let God lead. This story made me experience so many emotions I didn’t want to put it down.
Just Let Go Quote 1

(I received a copy of this book from CelebrateLit; opinions expressed in this review
are my honest opinion and completely my own.)
Courtney Walsh Bio

Tour Schedule:
June 26: By The Book / Faithfully Bookish / Luv’N Lambert Life
June 27: Reading Is My SuperPower / Among the Reads / Splashes of Joy
June 28: God is Love / Fiction Aficionado / Genesis 5020 / All-of-a-kind Mom
June 29: Carpe Diem / Christian Chick’s Thoughts / 100 Pages per Hour
June 30: The Power of Words / Lighthouse Academy / Radiant Light / Just the Write Escape
July 1: Quiet Quilter / A Baker’s Perspective
July 2: Cordially Barbara / Baker kella
July 3: The Christian Fiction Girl / Remembrancy / amandainpa
July 4: Two Points of Interest / Daysong Reflections / SusanLovesBooks
July 5: Vicky Sluiter / proud to be an autism mom
July 6: Moments Dipped in Ink / Pause for Tales
July 7: Bibliophile Reviews / Texas Book-aholic / Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
July 8: Janices book reviews / Bigreadersite /Blossoms and Blessings
July 9: Godly Book Reviews / Jeanette’s Thoughts / Christian Author, J.E.Grace


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To celebrate her tour, Courtney Walsh is giving away a grand prize of a library of Courtney Walsh’s books and a $25 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!


  1. This sounds like a good story!

  2. The cover & beautiful and it sounds like a great book!

  3. This book looks so good! Thanks for participating in the tour.

  4. I've put this book on my wishlist! I'd love for you to come link up your review at the very first ever Book Club Tuesday at Colletta's Kitchen Sink:


  5. Beautiful review! This book sounds so wonderful. I can't wait to read it and experience it for myself. I love small town stories, too; the community, the characters, and setting create a lovely warmth and familiarity I'm always eager to return to.
