Friday, September 6, 2024

Target Acquired by Lynette Eason

Series: Lake City Heroes #2
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Revell
Released: August 20, 2024
281 pages
About the Book:

Tough-as-nails Kenzie King has finally earned her place as a tactical medic on a SWAT team. But not everyone on the all-male team accepts her. Rumor is, she didn't get the position because of what she could do but because of who she knew. Which means she has to work harder and longer than anyone else to prove herself.

Cole Garrison is a man with deep faith who is finally ready to settle down and build a family of his own--if he can find the right person, that is. Kenzie sure has set off his interest meter, but trouble seems to follow in her wake. Since she joined the team, someone has begun to ambush and pick off team members, one by one.

It's all hands on deck to discover the culprit and end the killing. Can Kenzie and Cole put aside their differences and work together as a team? Or will their budding attraction be snuffed out by a sniper's bullet?

My Rating & Thoughts:    

Much to my surprise I was more invested in the 1947 sections than the present day. I felt for Eliza and what she was going through and wanted to know what happened to get her from here to what we knew about her in the present day. Kenzie is the only female on an all male SWAT team and one member in particular isn't happy about her position. When threats seem to be targeted to Kenzie is this member behind them or someone else? I enjoyed the suspense elements but was frustrated with the constant because I'm a woman I'm not accepted. I was also overwhelmed by the number of characters and trying to keep track of who everyone was. I was thankful for the cast of characters list at the beginning of the book. I did figure out who the villain was before it was revealed and was very proud of myself for figuring it out before the team. I liked the characters together but felt like a lot of the feelings happened off the page or in the background. I will continue the series as I'm curious about a couple other characters.

(I received an ARC of this book from Revell; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

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