Saturday, July 27, 2024

Emma by Jane Austen (Review)

Genre: Classic
Released: 1815
495 pages
About the Book:

Emma Woodhouse believes herself to be an excellent matchmaker, though she herself does not plan on marrying. But as she meddles in the relationships of others, she causes confusion and misunderstandings throughout the village, and she just may be overlooking a true love of her own.


My Rating & Thoughts:    

This was my very first time reading a Jane Austen book. Emma sees herself as a matchmaker but isn't that great at it at times. The story is the characters talking about nothing much and drags at times. It helped that I have seen a few adaptations of this book, so I was familiar with the story. We see Emma grow and learn not to judge everyone based on their financial status but rather their heart. I liked how Mr. Knightly was blunt with Emma and made her see the error of her ways at times. I struggled with the age difference between them. I felt for Harriet, so much heartache could have been avoided if she had just gone with her heart about a guy near the beginning rather than let Emma influence her. I did really like Emma's commitment to her father.

(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

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