Sunday, May 19, 2024

Secondary Target by Angela Carlisle (Review)

Series: The Secrets of Kincaid #1
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Publisher: Bethany House
Released: May 7, 2024
336 pages
About the Book:

After the brutal murder of her mother and brother twelve years ago, Corina Roberts built a new life in Kentucky. But then strange things begin to happen, and she is thrust into a perilous game of life and death. With nowhere else to turn, her best hope of survival depends on her ex, army veteran Bryce Jessup.

Recently returned from service, Bryce has every intention of staying away from Corina, but when threats close in around her, he isn't willing to leave her safety to chance. As their search for answers uncovers lethal secrets her detective father kept hidden, Bryce and Corina must untangle the mystery of the merciless killer intent on terrorizing and eliminating Corina's family before it's too late.


My Rating & Thoughts:    

From the opening scene, I was hooked and wanted to know what was happening. Then I needed to who the villain was. I was fully invested in figuring out what secrets were being kept from Corina, if her dad would be okay and could they figure it out in time. I appreciated how the Bryce and Allie put their lives at risk and on hold to be there for Corina. This villain was evil and quite talented at getting past the defenses. Quite a few people are seriously injured or killed. I do not normally enjoy second chance romances, but these characters captured me quickly and had me rooting for them to get back together. A tragedy in the past separated them, but being reunited got them to discuss their reactions to what happened and figure out how to move forward. This tragedy affected their faith in different ways and I appreciated how they discussed the past and their faith. It felt natural and flowed well. It was refreshing to read a suspense book where neither of the main characters are in law enforcement themselves, but rather stuck in this dangerous situation and work with the police for assistance. The ending reveal shocked me just as much as Corina felt shocked. I am looking forward to the next book in the series as the preview included in this one let me know that we've already met the main characters.

(I received an ARC of this book from Bethany House through NetGalley. Opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

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