Sunday, March 2, 2025

Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery

Series: Anne of Green Gables #2
Genre: Classic 
Released: 1909
320 pages
About the Book:

In the years since she arrived at Green Gables, Anne has earned the love and respect of the people of Avonlea--as well as a reputation for getting herself into predicaments. Now sixteen years old--and bound and determined to look after Marilla in the wake of Matthew's death--she's about to begin her job as the town's new schoolteacher. Soon enough she is the one learning lessons, however, as she starts to realize how complicated life can be. In her usual well-intentioned but meddlesome way, Anne is quickly interfering in a new friend's thwarted romance, coping with two new orphans at Green Gables, and getting drawn into the lives of her mostly charming and occasionally exasperating students at Avonlea school.

My Rating & Thoughts:    

Anne is now teaching at Avonlea school. Marilla and Anne take in 6 year old twins, Davy and Dora. Davy is a wild child and making Anne's antics when she was younger mild. I did not like how Anne would compare Davy to her student Paul to Davy's face, I felt like this only made Davy feel low. Anne felt like she has matured quite a bit since she first arrived at Green Gables and I enjoyed the way she made friends with Lavender Lewis. Anne does spent a bit of time with Diana and Gilbert but I did wish they were in more of the book as I missed seeing them. I struggled with the timeline and following how much time had passed between various events. I wasn't a fan of Davy and felt for Dora, as she seemed to be ignored while they were dealing with Davy. There were some parts that made me laugh and look forward to seeing what happens next in Anne's life as she embarks on a new journey.

(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

Other books from this author that I have reviewed:   


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