Sunday, August 11, 2024

Far Side of the Sea by Kate Breslin (Review)

Genre: Historical Fiction
Publisher: Bethany House
Released: March 5, 2019
367 pages
About the Book:

In spring 1918, Lieutenant Colin Mabry, a British soldier working with MI8 after suffering injuries on the front, receives a message by carrier pigeon. It is from Jewel Reyer, the woman he once loved and who saved his life—a woman he believed to be dead. Traveling to France to answer her urgent summons, he desperately hopes this mission will ease his guilt and restore the courage he lost on the battlefield.

Colin is stunned, however, to discover the message came from Jewel's half sister, Johanna. Johanna, who works at a dovecote for French Army Intelligence, found Jewel's diary and believes her sister is alive in the custody of a German agent. With spies everywhere, Colin is skeptical of Johanna, but as they travel across France and Spain, a tentative trust begins to grow between them.

When their pursuit leads them straight into the midst of a treacherous plot, danger and deception turn their search for answers into a battle for their lives.

My Rating & Thoughts:    

I found the beginning slow but then I got fully invested in the relationship between Colin and Johanna. Could they find what they were searching for and how will the answers affect them? Set during WW1 with agencies from multiple countries involved and our main characters are trying to figure out who they can really trust. I was kept guessing for most of the story. There is quite a bit of travel as the characters journey between England, France and Spain. I easily pictured what was being described. It was the interactions of the characters that kept me hooked. Their banter had me laughing and I was rooting for them to realize their compatibility and feelings for one another. There was lot of discussions between them about God and faith which is really enjoyed. I also loved how Johanna showed Colin that he wasn't less than due to his war injury. I was pleased with the way the story wrapped up.

(I purchased my copy of this book; opinions expressed 
in this review are my honest opinion and completely my own.)

Other books from this author that I have reviewed:   


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